Analyse your audience and Marketing performance

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picto analyse de kpisImprove your marketing performance by analysing your KPIs and the behaviour of your contacts

  At-a-glance impact assessment

Multiple indicators allowing you to evaluate the activity of your contacts and the overall performance of your campaigns (delivery rate, open rate, responsiveness, clicks, data by domain name etc.).
The Dolist GQI (Global Quality Index): a score out of 100 allowing you to instantly identify the strengths and weaknesses of your campaigns.
A Heatmap to identify the click-heavy “hot points” in your messages.

  Interesting subjects make for interested contacts

Determine the most popular topics and the contacts who respond most enthusiastically to different types of content, by matching your links with certain predefined themes (behavioural profiling).
Name-specific statistics to help you identify the contacts who respond most enthusiastically to your messages.

Analyser les performances Marketing

  Plan ahead for contacts losing interest, and buck the trend

Contact leakage statistics: unsubscriptions and spam complaints, tracked thanks to the feedback loops established between Dolist and the main ISPs and email services.

  Comprehensive care for your contact database

Improve your customer knowledge thanks to the analysis of behavioural data.
Complete contact database statistics: active, inactive, temporarily unreachable, unsubscribed etc.
Track the composition and evolution of your contact database over time.
Automated and secure export of contact data or statistics to a remote server (FTP, SFTP (ssh), Amazon S3, WebDav, DropBox, etc.).

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